Sex counselor

In counseling, all questions/problems relating to the topic of sexuality and, if necessary, what is/can be connected with it, such as: own identity, partnership, family can be discussed.

Counseling is aimed at individuals, couples or cohabiting couples of all sexual orientations and identities.

The questions/problems of the person(s) are discussed first and a lot of information is collected, e.g. on the origins, the environment, the consequences, etc.. Then we look together at what is currently stressful and with what goal the person seeking advice has sought counseling.

It is also possible for one person to start with individual counseling and for the relationship person to join in at a later stage.

The content of the consultation can be, for example

  • Erectile dysfunction 
  • FGM/C
  • Inhibitions, fears, ignorance 
  • Listlesness 
  • Orgasm problems 
  • Pain during sex (dyspareunia) 
  • sexual identity 
  • sexual orientation
  • sexual disorders
  • Sexual disorders caused by/as a side effect of illnesses (e.g. neurological problems, endometriosis, incontinence...)
  • Different sexual desires/needs in couples/cohabiting couples
  • Vaginismus
  • Changed body/sexual sensation after birth
  • Changed body/desires/properties (e.g. during menopause or after operations such as:. prostate removal, hysterectomy, mastectomy etc.)
  • Premature ejaculation (ejaculatio praecox)
  • chronic pelvic pain / vulvodynia

30 minutes - 45 €

60 minutes - 90 €

60 minutes - 100 €


30 minutes - 30 €

60 minutes - 60 €

¹ with proof


You contact me by phone or email and then make an appointment for a further introductory meeting either by phone or video call.

After the introductory meeting, we will make an appointment for a consultation.

You will receive your invoice and a link to the video call in advance by e-mail.
You can pay by bank transfer, I will also send you the details by e-mail after the appointment has been made.

If your payment has not been received 48 hours before our appointment, please understand that this appointment will have to be canceled. If you need to cancel an appointment, please do so up to 24 hours in advance (please contact me by e-mail or phone). If you cancel later or do not cancel at all, I will retain a cancellation fee. I ask for your understanding.

The introductory meeting

I offer a free 15-minute preliminary consultation by phone or video call. In this conversation, you will get an impression of me, the setting and my approach. You will have enough time to ask questions and briefly explain your concerns to me.

I offer sessions of 30 or 60 minutes via online video call and on-site in my practice. The number of sessions required is very individual, as every person and every problem is unique. The frequency of a sexual counseling session depends on your personal needs and can vary from once a week to once a month, for example.

I counsel individuals and couples. Often a single person starts the counseling session and then the partner joins in for further discussions. There are very individual options here. Otherwise, I counsel people of all sexual orientations, identities and ages.


No, the costs are generally not covered by statutory or private health insurance.

This is completely individual. Some people / couples only need a few impulses, while others need longer support. We take stock after 3 sessions to see if and where the journey can continue.

You can cancel appointments up to 24 hours before the actual appointment free of charge by email or telephone.

Yes, I grant a discount (with appropriate proof) on the price for pupils, trainees and students, for example. Please simply contact me.